This your brain on Piano!
The arts, and music in particular, are fantastic whole-brain activities.
For many adults, learning to play the piano is a great way to help alleviate stress, stimulate the mind, improve coordination, and promote an overall sense of well-being. Not only is playing the piano fun and entertaining, it also provides great exercise for your brain. The same way your muscles can benefit from resistance or cardiovascular exercises, practicing the piano for just 20 minutes a day can help keep you mentally fit.
Today, more and more adults are taking piano lessons. Many adult piano students find that playing beautiful music relaxes them after a long day at work. Piano lessons are a wonderful outlet for feelings, emotions and stress! Mastering each piece of music provides a great sense of value and enjoyment. Lessons also improve one's discipline, focus and concentration.
Many professional people have discovered that piano playing is one of the most relaxing things they can do after work. It allows them to get their minds off the activities of the day and just focus on the pleasure of making their own music.
Not only will you improve your piano skills you will stimulate your brain. Adults who take piano lessons often report a better ability to concentrate. Many also realize a greater aptitude for learning other new skills. These things carry over into other parts of adult life, from work, to hobbies and even raising children.
Playing music can make you feel good, happy, relaxed, free, joyful, entertained, transported, connected and healed. And when you play music, it can cause others to feel all these things as well.
So...What Are You Waiting For? Go For It!
Piano School - 914.833.1215